Although it’s often overlooked, 21% of the planet is home to indigenous people. These groups are the most in-touch with the earth of any humans, often living in perfect balance with their environment. Through rotating hunting seasons and crop rotation, native...
BLOT’s Rating: 🕮🕮🕮🕮 From bestselling novelist T. C. Boyle, a satirical yet devastating exploration of Earth’s uncertain future. Set in a not-so-far-away future, Blue Skies begins by asking the question: How will humans really react when their everyday lives are...
From American War to Line, why climate fiction is the hot new genre reflecting our burning reality The world is falling apart. Ok, I might be slightly exaggerating but it’s still pretty bad. With 2023 already blessing us with burning forests, flooding districts...
Consider yourself a sci-fi fan? Then it’s probably time to try its cousin, climate fiction, or ‘cli-fi’ as it’s affectionately called. Years of rolling ecological disasters have brought the issue of climate change to the forefront, giving birth to this new and...