Five environmental thrillers you should read

Five environmental thrillers you should read

So you want to read about the environment, but you’re bored of reading books about climate change. Here are BLOT’s top 5 environmental thrillers (that aren’t cli-fi) to get you started.   The difference between environmental thrillers and cli-fi While...
Can cli-fi save the world?

Can cli-fi save the world?

From American War to Line, why climate fiction is the hot new genre reflecting our burning reality The world is falling apart. Ok, I might be slightly exaggerating but it’s still pretty bad. With 2023 already blessing us with burning forests, flooding districts...
Want to try cli-fi? – Here’s where to start

Want to try cli-fi? – Here’s where to start

Consider yourself a sci-fi fan? Then it’s probably time to try its cousin, climate fiction, or ‘cli-fi’ as it’s affectionately called.  Years of rolling ecological disasters have brought the issue of climate change to the forefront, giving birth to this new and...