“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” ― Leonard Cohen

Dr Janina Scarlet: How superhero stories aid recovery from mental health issues
BLOT spoke to Dr Janina Scarlet, creator of Superhero Therapy, about how fictional superheroes are being used to help people recover from mental health problems.

Katie Queue: How to incorporate reading into your mindfulness routine
To close our #ReadForYourMind campaign, we spoke to spiritual teacher Katie Queue about the benefits of mindfulness and how reading can support your mental health.

Think piece: Do mentally ill murderers stigmatise people with mental health disorders?
As society’s understanding and acceptance of mental health disorders continues to grow, is it time for crime writers to retire the trope of mentally ill murderers?
deep breaths

Helpful or harmful? The representation of depression in fiction
From Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar to Meg Mason’s Sorrow and Bliss, depression has featured in fiction for generations. But is this representation helpful, or harmful, for people going through it?

Reader’s thoughts: How mindful reading can improve the mind
We asked our readers on Reddit for their experiences of how mindful reading can help strengthen and improve the mind.

Escaping into fiction: The therapeutic power of listening to stories
As well as being a source of pleasure, stories can also be of a great benefit to your health.

Reader’s recommendations: Books that depict men’s mental health well
BLOT asked our male readers over on Reddit, what books they thought best depicted men’s mental health, and they shared lots of gems.

Meredith, Alone author Claire Alexander: Why fiction about mental health is important
BLOT interviewed Claire Alexander, author of Meredith, Alone about why she decided to write a story tackling mental health.

What is mindful reading? (and why you should be doing it)
In line with BLOT Magazine’s #ReadForYourMind campaign, we looked at what mindful reading actually is.

Reader’s thoughts: How mindful reading can improve the mind
We asked our readers on Reddit for their experiences of how mindful reading can help strengthen and improve the mind.

Escaping into fiction: The therapeutic power of listening to stories
As well as being a source of pleasure, stories can also be of a great benefit to your health.

Reader’s recommendations: Books that depict men’s mental health well
BLOT asked our male readers over on Reddit, what books they thought best depicted men’s mental health, and they shared lots of gems.

Meredith, Alone author Claire Alexander: Why fiction about mental health is important
BLOT interviewed Claire Alexander, author of Meredith, Alone about why she decided to write a story tackling mental health.

What is mindful reading? (and why you should be doing it)
In line with BLOT Magazine’s #ReadForYourMind campaign, we looked at what mindful reading actually is.

Can reading fiction make you a better person?
Readers, here’s something to brag about: apparently, reading fiction makes you more empathetic than those who don’t.

Time Shelter: Book about Alzheimer’s wins International Booker Prize 2023
‘Time Shelter’ is the first Bulgarian book to win the International Booker Prize. BLOT has everything you need to know about the winning novel, its author and translator.

Five fiction books that portray mental illness well
Mental health in the media has come a long way over time. BLOT gives it’s rundown on the five fiction books that portray mental illness well.

Why you should swap your phone for reading before bed
Are you guilty of scrolling on TikTok for hours before bed? Do you struggle to fall asleep? Reading a book before you doze off could be the solution.

Kathleen Glasgow: From Girl in Pieces to author at the top
BLOT spoke to Kathleen Glasgow about the success of the novel she never planned to write, and how she went from ‘Girl in Pieces’ to author at the top.

Teen Sick-Lit: A genre of the greatest loves, turned greatest tragedies
There is nothing that sells a book like teen suffering. John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars sold over 23 million copies before its movie adaptation...

Should books include trigger warnings for sensitive topics?
Trigger warnings are everywhere on the internet, but one place it’s less commonly seen is on literary works. Why is there so much controversy surrounding the use of trigger warnings in books?

The power of bibliotherapy: how reading can make you happier and healthier
It goes without saying that us bookworms are already well aware of the joy a good book can bring. But it turns out that the benefits of reading go far beyond being able to immerse ourselves in an exhilarating story. And before you say anything, it’s not just our biased opinion, it’s science.

“Reading helped me understand my mental illness”– Mental health representation in books and why it’s important
Historically, mental health–especially women with mental health issues–haven’t had the best representation in literature. However, as society’s attitudes towards mental illness is starting to change, so are the books dealing with the very same problems people are now starting to talk about.