After the huge success of Dune’s film adaptation in 2021, a sequel is set to be released in November 2023. In anticipation of the second Dune film, the BLOT team tested themselves on how much of the book, and its film adaptation, they could remember. WATCH: The...
When you think about books and the environment, you assume the more books you buy, the worse it is for the planet – and you’re not wrong. This leads a lot of people to use an e-reader, such as a kindle, instead. But, are they really that much better for...
Based in 17th century France, One For All tells the story of a chronically ill musketeer – Tania de Batz, a young girl fighting a battle that has more to do with the condescending world rather than her illness itself. Chronic illness representation in fiction...
BLOT asked our most mindful readers over on Reddit if they had ever tried mindful reading, and what, in their opinion, was the best way to improve their mind, body and soul through reading- here’s what they had to say! Don’t forget to check out...
Social worker by day, writer by night, Luna McNamara is the author of Psyche and Eros, a feminist retelling of the Greek myth of the same name. The book was subject to a four-way bidding war for publishing rights in the U.S., and has received translation deals in 11...